Aeolian Islands: Over 12,000 euros in fines for unissued shopping vouchers and waste dumping

Explained in the brief article, in the Aeolian Islands, people were discovered falsely claiming eligibility for food vouchers provided by the Municipality of Lipari, leading to fines. Additionally, individuals, including Moroccans and Romanians, were found illegally depositing waste in the streets and squares of Lipari, Panarea, and Stromboli. Authorities traced the voucher fraudsters through investigations conducted by the finance police, while meticulous checks by the municipal police identified those responsible for improper waste disposal. Fines ranged from 120.67 euros to 2,011 euros. In response, the municipal government plans to implement trap cameras to address the illegal dumping of construction debris following a recent seizure investigation, as well as establish video surveillance in various Lipari locations.

Isole Eolie, oltre 12 mila euro di multe per buoni spesa non dovuti e per deposito di spazzatura

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