Adrano fights gambling with police controls and high penalties

In the course of services set up by the police chief of Catania, aimed at preventing and combating the phenomenon of gambling and illegal betting, the police officers of the administrative team, together with the police officers of the public security commissioner of Adrano, carried out targeted checks on commercial activities in the Adrano area.

Following the inspection at a pastry bar in the city center, the owner was invited to the police station to show the permit for the food service. Subsequently, the lack of the permit was ascertained and therefore an administrative fine was issued in the amount of 5 thousand euros.

The verification activities then involved a private club. The operators found, installed and in operation, a complete telematic station that allowed the operation of slot machines, without the necessary authorizations and not compliant with current regulations. In particular, the installation of electronic gaming devices of the prohibited kind was contested, with seizure of the telematic station; the transformation of the private club into a public gaming room; the operation of a food and beverage service without the required permit.

Several administrative violations were then contested to the club president, who was fined for a total amount of approximately 16 thousand euros.

Adrano, contrasto al gioco d’azzardo con i controlli della polizia, elevate sanzioni

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