Acireale’s second Cathedral tower reopens after restoration.

With the beginning of the Christmas holidays, the second tower (north side) of the Basilica Cattedrale Maria Ss. Annunziata di Acireale has been opened for visits, where the admirable signum Christmas theme exhibition is located. Eight hundred years after the first nativity scene represented by St. Francis of Assisi in Greccio, the wonder and marvel of Bethlehem are relived in the evocative setting of the cathedral towers. After the opening of the bell tower on the south side in 2019, the north tower is now open for tourist visits after restoration and safety work. From the towers, visitors can enjoy an exceptional view of the city of Acireale and the snow-covered Etna, as well as a breathtaking panorama spanning from Augusta to the Calabrian coast. The two towers are also interconnected. The exhibition, with the Nativity scene and eleven explanatory panels on the history of the nativity scene, will be open every day until Sunday, January 7 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm and from 3:30 pm to 8:00 pm. On holidays, the evening opening will be extended until 10:00 pm (last entry half an hour before closing). The parish priest, Don Mario Fresta, declares that with the opening of the second tower, the diocese and the city of Acireale are reclaiming an artistic and architectural treasure. From above, visitors can appreciate a magnificent panorama. Additionally, the nativity scene inside offers a compelling representation of the nativity that dominates our city. The goal is to attract visitors to this unique location to reflect on the mystery of the beauty of life and creation.

Acireale, aperta dopo i lavori di restauro, anche la seconda torre della Cattedrale

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