Accident at intersection between truck and car in Sciacca: one injured and paralyzed traffic

Chaos and fear in Sciacca due to a road accident involving a car and a truck. The two vehicles collided at the intersection between via Cappuccini and via Brigadiere Nastasi, where violent impacts have occurred in the past that have caused injuries. In this case, one person needed to be transported to the hospital: the man who was driving the car, a forty-year-old. When the alarm was raised, the emergency services arrived on the scene and transferred the driver to the emergency room of San Giovanni Paolo II, where all the necessary tests are being carried out on his condition. The driver of the heavy vehicle, on the other hand, was unharmed.

At the scene of the accident, the officers of the Municipal Police Infortunistica also arrived to carry out surveys to reconstruct the dynamics. While waiting for the emergency services and the arrival of the traffic police, long queues formed, the traffic came to a standstill, and normal traffic flow was restored only after the vehicles were removed from the road.

A few weeks ago another accident occurred in the same stretch of road: in that case two cars collided and a thirty-two-year-old woman was injured and taken to the hospital in code yellow. In December, another collision between a scooter and a jeep: both drivers were assisted by the emergency services and hospitalized.

Sciacca, incidente all’incrocio tra un camion e un’auto: un ferito e traffico paralizzato

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