Acate, commemoration event one year after the disappearance of unionist Daouda Diane

A sit-in will be held tomorrow at 4pm in front of the house of Daouda Diane, the Ivorian man who disappeared on July 2nd last year in Acate. The sit-in has been organized by the Usb. The new mayor, Gianfranco Fidone, has sent a message of support, stating that he is on the side of those seeking the truth. Various speakers will participate in the event, including Usb representative Michele Mililli, Paolo Ferrero from “Su la testa”, Simona Suriano from ManifestA, and Nicola Candido, the regional secretary of Rifondazione Comunista. Despite investigations and searches, no trace of Daouda has been found so far.

Acate, manifestazione ad un anno dalla scomparsa del sindacalista Daouda Diane

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