Abuse towards wife and 18-year-old son, arrested in Marsala

Driven away from his home last Tuesday for domestic abuse, with an urgent decree issued by the prosecutor, a Tunisian man who has been residing in Marsala for several years, after his wife’s report to 112 where she claimed to have been threatened with death by her husband, was subsequently arrested by the carabinieri and imprisoned in compliance with a measure dictated by the judge for preliminary investigations, which accepted the request for precautionary measures put forward by the public prosecutor.

The North African man is accused of mistreating not only his wife, but also his just-turned eighteen-year-old son. “The new precautionary measure – explains a joint note from the Marsala prosecutor and the carabinieri – introduced with the latest reform law of the so-called ‘red code’, now allows the public prosecutor, even outside the cases of in flagrante delicto, to issue an immediate removal measure against the suspect of crimes such as domestic abuse and stalking, without waiting for the prior judgment of the investigating judge on the potential application of precautionary measures. The urgent measure constitutes an effective tool to intervene without delay in cases of particular seriousness, as the one that occurred in this specific case.”

Maltrattamenti alla moglie e al figlio diciottenne, arrestato a Marsala

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