76-year-old author arrested for injuring in center of Misterbianco; allegedly offended in public last month.

In a few hours, the carabinieri shed light on the injury that occurred yesterday, May 4th, in the center of Misterbianco in broad daylight. An elderly man of 76 years from Misterbianco, with a history of police records, was arrested in flagrante delicto. He will have to answer to charges of attempted murder and illegal possession of a firearm in a public place. He was locked up in the Catania Piazza Lanza prison.

The victim is an acquaintance of his, a 55-year-old convicted criminal from Misterbianco. He was hit by 3 gunshots to the lower and upper limbs and is currently hospitalized at the San Marco Hospital in Catania, out of danger.

Everything started at around 5:30 pm yesterday in the central via Matteotti of Misterbianco, at a particularly crowded time. The assailant, who was driving his car, crossed paths with the 55-year-old, who was walking down the same street. A murderous impulse struck him. In those hectic moments, the 76-year-old, without being noticed, parked his car and began to follow the other on foot for several meters. When the man crossed the street, the elderly man decided to act.

In an instant, he pulled a gun out of his pocket and shot, hitting the other from behind, in both legs and left arm. The seventy-six-year-old returned to his car and drove away. Many passersby rushed to help the 55-year-old, lying on the ground bleeding, while calling the carabinieri through 112. The carabinieri of the Fontanarossa company immediately started the investigation, cordoning off the crime scene and starting the necessary investigative activities.

In a few hours, the carabinieri managed to close the circle around the presumed perpetrator of the attempted murder, who was then untraceable. A massive manhunt was launched by all the patrols of the Carabinieri present in the area, coordinated by the Catania operations center. The joint operational approach proved to be particularly effective as the carabinieri located the fugitive in a short time and arrested him without resistance.

Further confirmation that it was indeed him was the fact that the 76-year-old was driving the same car, an old Fiat Panda, and wearing the same clothes captured by some surveillance cameras during the shooting. The man was then subjected to firearm residue testing by the carabinieri of the scientific investigations unit of the investigative unit of Catania to determine the presence of gunshot residues on his clothing.

At the moment, the investigations have allowed to ascertain that the attempted murder stems from a previous dispute dating back to last month, in which the victim had insulted the potential assassin in public for personal reasons.

Misterbianco, arrestato l’autore del ferimento in centro: ha 76 anni, il mese scorso sarebbe stato offeso in pubblico

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