7 individuals in Siracusa face precautionary measures for obtaining EU funds for seized lands through fake purchase or rental contracts.
The Anti-Mafia Investigative Directorate and the Carabinieri Department for the Protection of Agri-Food have executed a precautionary measure order issued by the judge of Siracusa against seven people held responsible, in various capacities, for aggravated fraud, false in public documents, and reusing money or goods of illicit origin. The investigations, coordinated by the European Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), Palermo Office, stemmed from verifications carried out for the adoption of anti-Mafia measures and have revealed that 16 suspects – deemed to be connected to organized crime family contexts – fraudulently obtained 900,000 euros from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (FeaGa) by fictitiously claiming agricultural land in their possession that had actually been seized by judicial authorities, through the production of false sales and rental contracts. Thirteen cases of fraud were reconstructed by the investigations. Accepting the circumstantial evidence provided by the Anti-Mafia Investigative Directorate and the Carabinieri, the judge of Siracusa, at the request of the EPPO, ordered six suspects to present themselves to the judicial police and imposed the obligation of residence in the municipality of residence for the seventh.
Con finti contratti d’acquisto o affitto ottenevano i fondi Ue per terreni sequestrati: misure cautelari per 7 indagati a Siracusa
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