57-year-old man from Palma di Montechiaro killed in Germany, killer believed to have arrived from Sicily.

A 57-year-old man from Palma di Montechiaro, Pino Sambito, was fatally stabbed in his bar in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany. The victim died shortly after arriving at the hospital. The police are trying to identify the killer through surveillance footage analysis and are investigating the motive behind the attack. It is possible that the fatal aggression was triggered by personal disputes, but the possibility of a settling of scores is not excluded. It appears that the killer arrived from Sicily and left after the crime. A young man in his thirties has been noticed near the victim’s bar and is currently being sought by investigators. The victim was struck in the throat and other parts of the body. An autopsy has been ordered by the investigating magistrate.

Un 57enne di Palma di Montechiaro ucciso in Germania, il killer sarebbe arrivato dalla Sicilia

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