35-degree heat and scirocco winds: Sicily to experience another wave of African heat

Today and tomorrow, Sicily will experience a new wave, the umpteenth in recent months, of African heat. Temperatures could reach peaks of 35 degrees, which is absolutely incredible considering that it is practically November. Then, perhaps, over the weekend, we will experience a bit of autumn, but it will take a few more days to bid farewell, hopefully for good, to summer. This is according to 3bmeteo. The start of the week was characterized by the passage of a disturbance that brought showers and some thunderstorms until Tuesday, especially in Calabria and Campania, and as we have seen also in the eastern part of the island, especially in Messina. The situation following this saw a return to stability due to an increase in atmospheric pressure. At the same time, hot air masses from North Africa have caused a rise in temperatures, with peaks of 30-31°C on the Tyrrhenian coast of Calabria and up to 35-36°C in Palermo and northern Messina. The Scirocco winds will prevail until Friday when a disturbance will bring the first precipitation in Campania, a prelude to subsequent deterioration, in the south, including Sicily, with the weekend expected to be less hot and more uncertain.

Punte di 35 gradi e venti di scirocco, la Sicilia vivrà l’ennesima ondata di caldo africano

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