30 years in prison requested for murder of 5-year-old daughter in fake kidnapping in Mascalucia.

Thirty years of imprisonment: this is the sentence requested by the Catania prosecutor’s office for Martina Patti, the 25-year-old confessed perpetrator of the murder of her daughter Elena, almost 5 years old, killed with a cutting weapon in June 2022 and buried in a field near her home in Mascalucia. The deputy prosecutor Fabio Scavone and the substitute Assunta Musella have asked to recognize the general mitigating circumstances, considering the confession and cooperation of the defendant, her young age, equivalent to the contested aggravating circumstances. The trial is being held before the first Court of Assizes, presided over by Sebastiano Mignemi.

The accusation charges her with the crimes of premeditated murder aggravated, concealment of a corpse, and simulation of a crime. The paternal grandparents and the father of the young victim have joined as civil parties with the lawyer Barbara Ronsivalle. The defendant is represented by criminal lawyers Gabriele Celesti and Tommaso Tamburino. The sentence is scheduled for July 12.

The proceedings are based on investigations by the Carabinieri of the provincial command of Catania. The woman allegedly killed the child at the place of the discovery, an abandoned field near her home, and then pretended that the child was abducted when leaving the nursery. Martina Patti confessed to the crime, but did not explain the motive.

The night before being killed, the child slept at her grandparents’ house. The next morning, the aunt took her to nursery school, and the mother went to pick her up and returned home to Mascalucia. Later, Martina Patti left again by car to create a diversion, then returned to the house.

It is during that time frame that the crime would have been committed, in an abandoned plot of land where the mother buried the little body, hidden in five black plastic bags and partially buried with a shovel and pickaxe.

The 25-year-old staged the scene: she falsely alerted the parents and father of Elena about the kidnapping over the phone, her ex-partner Alessandro Del Pozzo, returned home, and then, accompanied by her mother and father, went to the Carabinieri to report the fake kidnapping. She associated the kidnapping with some threats that her ex-partner had found in front of the house gate in 2021, but her version did not withstand the scrutiny and investigations of the Carabinieri and the charges made by the Catania prosecutor’s office.

Uccise la figlia di cinque anni e finse il sequestro a Mascalucia, chiesti 30 anni di carcere per l’omicidio della piccola Elena

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