29th May decision on former Blutec of Termini: Sciara, Pelligra, unions, Region, government – opinions summarized.

The appeal to the Lazio Regional Administrative Court, filed by the lawyers of the Sciara holding Ltd and Smart City against the awarding of the former Blutec and Fiat plant in Termini Imerese to Pelligra Italia Srl will be discussed in a closed-door meeting on May 29. The fourth section of the Administrative Court has informed the appellants and the involved parties: the Ministry of Made in Italy, the extraordinary commissioners of Blutec, and Pelligra Italia Srl.

Now, a legal battle over appeals risks opening around the former Blutec plant in Termini Imerese. This battle could prolong a dispute that has already lasted over 13 years. A request for annulment, with a suspensive effect, of the decision to award the former Blutec plant to the Pelligra group was filed with the Lazio Regional Administrative Court by attorney Anna Ferraris on behalf of the Sciara Holding Ltd and Smart City group Scrl, whose offer was not considered adequate by the extraordinary commissioners evaluating the proposals for the acquisition of the plant. The appeal was notified to the Ministry of Made in Italy, the commissioners, and the Pelligra group, but was officially deposited only last Monday, May 13. Now there are concerns about a possible delay in the assignment of the plant and the loss of the benefits of the layoff (expiring in November) for over 560 former Blutec employees (plus the 200 in the supply chain).

Particularly on this point, the unions are demanding a meeting with the minister and the region because what is certain in the whole issue is that, regardless of the appeal outcome, the commissioner management cannot be extended, nor can the layoff be prolonged. The appellants want clarity on the scoring criteria for the assignment of the plant and the industrial project that was presented. “The Regional Administrative Court will evaluate the legality of what has been done, but what worries us is that any delay in the plan could jeopardize the economic sustainability of the former Blutec workers because the second year of extraordinary administration and layoff ends on November 4”, says Antonio Nobile, secretary of Fim Cisl. “We ask the institutions, the ministry, and the region, to plan any measures to safeguard the workers,” he adds.

“The national and regional governments need to immediately convene a discussion with the trade unions. Another stop, especially close to the end of the extraordinary administration set for November 4, is unthinkable,” says Luisella Lionti, Uil Sicilia Secretary, and Enzo Comella of Uil. The same request is echoed by Fiom Cgil with Roberto Mastrosimone, from the national Fiom, and Alfio Mannino, Cgil Sicilia Secretary-General. For the two union representatives, “the stop or the slowdown of the procedures with the formalization of the appeal by the excluded group, when a glimmer of light was appearing, can only worry us.” The national secretariats of Fim, Fiom, and Uil have requested clearer information from the Ministry regarding the entire sale process involving the workers, both those who will transfer and those who should remain in the special purpose company. Details that currently only the Pelligra Group has but have not been made public yet. “We have confidence in a decision and reserve all actions to defend our investment. We are certain that this action will not slow down the rapid restart of the Sicilian industrial hub and the attraction of international investments,” says the Pelligra Italia Group. “We are incredulous at what we read, especially from the unions. The appeal is a right and if, as stated by Minister Urso, the commissioners and Pelligra, everything was done in compliance with the law, the current process will not be affected. Otherwise, we believe it is only fair to intervene to prevent what has happened in the past from happening again,” respond the lawyers of Sciara Holding and Smart City Group.

Il 29 maggio si decide sull’ex Blutec di Termini. Sciara, Pelligra, sindacati, Regione, governo: ecco cosa dicono le parti in causa

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