28 out of 37 accommodation facilities in Lampedusa and Porto Empedocle are either abusive or not in compliance.

Out of the 45 tourist accommodations monitored, irregularities were found in 37, with 28 of them being completely non-compliant and abusive. The Agrigento Police Headquarters, through the unit in charge of monitoring tourist facilities and the administrative police division, carried out a series of inspections on tourist and accommodation activities. This effort was focused on Lampedusa and Porto Empedocle, following requests from national organizations in the sector. In particular, in Lampedusa, over 70% of the monitored activities were found to be non-compliant, with many completely lacking any legal requirements.

Abusive o non in regola 28 strutture ricettive su 37 di Lampedusa e Porto Empedocle

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