2.4 million euros allocated for digitalizing ports in Catania, Augusta, and Pozzallo

The ports of Augusta, Catania, and Pozzallo are increasingly digital and cutting-edge: this is highlighted in a note by the Eastern Sicily Port Authority (Adsp), explaining that they have obtained two important funding from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport for a total value of about 2.4 million euros, which will be used for the development and implementation of the digital national logistics platform (Pln), with a particular focus on interconnection with “port community systems” (Pcs), tools used to manage daily movements of millions of goods and passengers.

“In recent months, we participated in the ministerial tender – explains the president of Adsp, Francesco Di Sarcina – which involves the digitalization of the logistics chain, thanks to the NextGenerationEU program within the Pnrr (National Recovery and Resilience Plan). The news of the admission is proof of the excellent work carried out by our offices with the aim of making port services increasingly technological and designed for the future.”

Another important development concerns the ports of Catania and Pozzallo, which will soon have a free wifi system dedicated to tourists, operators, and anyone passing through these ports, which are experiencing growing data and trends, especially in the cruise sector: Adsp, through valuable synergy with the two municipalities involved, has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Tourism for the creation of a wireless network as part of the “Wi-Fi by Italia.it” initiative. After the annexation of Syracuse to the Eastern Sicily Adsp, the entity intends to also extend the wifi service to the port of Syracuse, where thousands of tourists arrive every year.

“The tourist port of Catania has been identified as a Point of Interest – states the mayor of Catania Enrico Trantino – a national point of interest, thanks to cruise tourism and the strong appeal of our city and neighboring areas. Now, tourists disembarking will have access to the wifi system, now an essential tool for quality hospitality.”

Pozzallo has also been considered a Point of Interest with an increasing trend in small cruise ships and significant passenger and ferry traffic to and from Malta: “Access to the internet is an essential service for passengers and not only, especially foreigners – emphasizes the mayor of Pozzallo, Roberto Ammatuna – who often cannot use their own network and must rely on wifi networks, as is the case in airports. We are pleased with Adsp’s adherence to the ministerial program, confident that we can offer users significant innovation.”

In detail, the agreement provides, entirely funded by the Ministry with resources from the development and cohesion plan, thematic area “Competitiveness and Enterprises,” and intervention sector “Tourism and Hospitality,” the installation of wifi equipment in the two ports, maintenance, 5G and fiber optic data traffic, counseling, and assistance services provided by Fastweb Spa, the national winner of the tender, and will be valid until December 31, 2025.

Digitalizzazione porti: due milioni e 400 mila euro per Catania, Augusta e Pozzallo

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