19 selected students will be hired through the Terna Master program.

After the success of previous editions, Terna announces the opening of the application for the third edition of the second-level master’s degree “Digitalization of the electrical system for energy transition”, promoted by the company in collaboration with the Universities of Cagliari, Palermo, and Salerno as part of the Tyrrhenian Lab project.

Students holding a master’s degree in technical-scientific subjects (such as physics, computer science, engineering, mathematics, data science) can apply for admission to the Master’s program until September 2. Following the verification of eligibility by the universities involved, Terna will evaluate the applications and select those who will participate in the third edition of the Master’s program. There will be 57 students who, after the selection phase, will participate in the course, with 19 in each of the three universities involved.

The Master’s program, which will start in November and will last for 12 months, will consist of eleven modules for a total of 60 training credits, with personalized paths based on the participants’ academic experiences, programming labs, and practical field activities. After completing the course, which aims to create new professionals with managerial, engineering, informatics, and statistical skills, the selected students will receive a letter of commitment to permanent employment from Terna and will be hired in the company’s territorial offices working as experts in: algorithms and models for the Electricity Market, analysis and regulation systems, field equipment management, Station Automation Systems (SAS), and Station IoT Systems.

The Tyrrhenian Lab, of which Francesco Del Pizzo, Director of Development Strategies for Terna’s Network and Dispatching, is the scientific coordinator, aims to establish a center of excellence training distributed in the locations of the three respective cities where the cables of the Tyrrhenian Link will arrive, the Terna’s submarine powerline that will connect Campania, Sicily, and Sardinia, for a total of approximately 970 km of connections and 3.7 billion euros of investments, favoring the integration of energy flows from renewable sources.

The project, in line with Terna’s leading role in the national and international energy transition process over the years, also has a positive impact in terms of employment effectiveness and territorial valorization, confirming the importance of Southern Italy for the company, a land with great potential for both infrastructure development and skills growth.

Via al master di Terna, i 19 studenti selezionati verranno assunti

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