1,700 presidents and poll workers resign in Palermo in hunt

The formation of the electoral seats is hanging by a thread in Palermo and Messina. An emergency has erupted to solve which, since yesterday (Friday, June 7), the representatives of the Municipalities and the prefects have been in permanent meeting. Without much fanfare, a hunt for presidents and scrutineers has started which will only end at 3 pm today (Saturday, June 8), when voters will access the sections to start voting. And there are those who do not exclude that even by that time everything will be in order, at least in the capital where the situation is more serious than elsewhere.

Chronicle of a predicted emergency. Because the 138 euros that the State guarantees to the presidents of polling stations and the 98 destined to the scrutineers (slightly higher sums will go to the sections where mayoral elections are also held) have discouraged those who had applied to be enlisted. And so, resignations poured in on the Municipalities, cascading down. In Palermo, out of 2,400 presidents and scrutineers, around 1,700 have resigned. And among those who said they were no longer available, there are about fifty polling station presidents, who are now the main problem to be solved.

Yesterday, in a hurry, the administration led by Roberto Lagalla published a new notice to recruit last-minute replacements for those who had resigned. But even in the evening, it leaked from the Municipality that not all vacant positions had been filled, neither for presidents nor for scrutineers.

The Municipality is facing a very high number of resignations. And it’s not even the first time: the difficulties experienced in the summer of 2022 have not been forgotten, when just 24 hours before the Administrative Elections, hundreds of polling station presidents and thousands of scrutineers left voters in uncertainty, finding the polling station doors closed for much of the morning of the vote.

The full article by Giacinto Pipitone and Davide Ferrara on the Giornale di Sicilia on newsstands.

Caccia a presidenti e scrutatori, a Palermo rinunciano in 1.700

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