16-year-old caught stealing in uninhabitable school: Villabate surprised and now detained with stolen items

It was caught while trying to escape with stolen goods from a school in Villabate. It is a sixteen-year-old who was blocked by the carabinieri of Misilmeri outside the Pietro Palumbo, currently closed because declared uninhabitable and already targeted by vandals in the past. The young thief broke into the building at night, climbing over the fence.

Then he searched through the various classrooms and took possession of several sports items that were stored in the school gym. Shortly after, he tried to flee, but found the military waiting for him. A few months ago, another break-in occurred at the same school: the carabinieri, during a territory control service, caught a fifteen-year-old and a twelve-year-old in the act. The two, after removing the aluminum frames from the doors and windows of the building, were assembling them on rudimentary carts and wanted to take them away.

A citizen who heard suspicious movements and the sound of broken glass called 112 to report it. The two boys were then stopped and handed back to their parents. Yesterday, May 7, there was another theft at the Danilo Dolci high school in Palermo. In this case, the thieves tried to steal some computers stored in a warehouse, but realized they were old and destined for disposal, so they destroyed them and left them in the nearby soccer field.

Villabate, sorpreso a rubare nella scuola inagibile: bloccato un sedicenne con la refurtiva

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