133 migrants arrive in Lampedusa in four landings within hours

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Four landings, with 133 migrants, starting from late yesterday evening (March 7), in Lampedusa. Two of the four small boats, launched from Sabratha and Zuwara in Libya and from Sfax in Tunisia, were rescued by the coast guard patrol boats. On board, there were 23 and 29 (8 women and 5 minors) Tunisians, Egyptians, Pakistanis, and Syrians. Directly at the commercial pier, during the night, a cart arrived with 52 Bangladeshis and Egyptians on board, while on the road to the west near the beach of Isola dei Conigli, the coast guard soldiers blocked another 29 migrants, including a woman.

Everyone was taken to the Imbriacola hotspot where yesterday, at 1 pm, there were only 2 of the migrants transferred from the Sea Watch5. Currently, the guests have increased to 135. For the morning, the prefecture of Agrigento has arranged a transfer with the ferry to Porto Empedocle.

Quattro sbarchi in poche ore a Lampedusa, arrivati 133 migranti

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