10-month-old girl dies in Noto from bleach, mother speaks: “Tragic accident”

A dramatic domestic accident, a tragic fatality, a tragedy: Nicole, the young mother of ten-month-old Silvia, who died in the early afternoon the day before yesterday (May 9) at the Trigona hospital emergency room in Noto, where she had been taken by family members because she had ingested bleach, cannot find peace. How? The circumstances are still uncertain.

A desperate race to the hospital, but there was nothing to be done. When she arrived, according to the account provided by the rescuing healthcare professionals, “the little girl was unconscious and in cardiac arrest.” A city in mourning, a devastated family, immense pain for parents and grandparents who saw the life of their little Silvia extinguished too soon.

Yesterday, at the house in Contrada Busulmone, a few kilometers from Noto, the scene of the tragedy, the seals were placed on the orders of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Syracuse: a necessary step to allow investigators to conduct investigations, essential to establish the truth about what happened. At the same time an autopsy was ordered on the body of Silvia, which will likely be performed in the coming days in Catania. These are the new developments that emerged the day after the death of the little girl. It is still too early to determine the exact dynamics of the tragic accident: it will be necessary to verify, moment by moment, how Silvia managed to ingest the bleach.

The most likely hypothesis at the moment is that she may have ended up with the walker, while playing at home, right against the basin containing the deadly liquid. This could be the key episode, and this is where the investigators’ attention will focus on putting together the various pieces to reconstruct a mosaic that is yet to be composed and ordered. But any supposition – and there are currently no shortage of them – will have to contend with examinations, investigations, and surveys that will be carried out by the investigators inside the home and also with the version provided by the mother Nicole, who was immediately interviewed by the local carabinieri after the incident, the first to be informed of the tragedy by the emergency room doctors. At the time of the incident at home, with Silvia, in addition to the mother, there were her seven and six-year-old siblings.

La bimba di 10 mesi morta a Noto per la candeggina, parla la madre: «Tragica fatalità»

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