10 bodies of migrants found in the hold of a boat in Lampedusa

Ten bodies have been recovered from a hatch in the hold of the 8-meter boat, which departed from Libya and was rescued by the NGO Nadir’s ship that arrived around midnight in Lampedusa. They are all men, aged 18 to 30, with physical features indicative of Bangladesh or Pakistan. At the port dock, where the operation took place, even the mayor of the Pelagie islands, Filippo Mannino, repeatedly said, “It is a torment, it is a torment!”

Meanwhile, the Coast Guard’s patrol boat V824 has arrived at the Favarolo dock with 55 more migrants on board, including 10 women and 14 minors. Among the minors is a one-month-old baby. The group consists of Gambians, Guineans, Nigerians, Ghanaians, and Senegalese who reported that they departed from Sfax in Tunisia.

In the central Mediterranean, there are 5 fatalities per day
Yesterday saw a double tragedy of migration in the calm Mediterranean that facilitates the departures of “death boats.” About a hundred miles off the Calabrian coast, a sailboat capsized, and 66 passengers are missing. Among them, at least 26 children, as survivors recount. South of Lampedusa, another boat was rescued by a humanitarian vessel: but it was too late for 10 people who were found dead in the flooded lower deck. These new tragedies follow the G7 summit at Borgo Egnazia which launched a coalition “to prevent and combat migrant trafficking.” UNHCR, IOM, and UNICEF report over 800 deaths and missing persons this year in the central Mediterranean, averaging 5 per day, and are calling for an enhancement of rescue efforts.

La strage di migranti nel Mediterraneo, nella notte giunti a Lampedusa i dieci cadaveri trovati nella stiva del barcone

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