1.5 tons of seized vegetables donated in charity in Catania

Agents of the Forestry Department of the Sicilian Region have delivered 1,540 kilograms of various vegetables to the Food Bank of Catania to be destined for charitable organizations. The goods are the result of an administrative seizure carried out by the staff of the Noras, the Regional Operational Unit for Agri-food Sicily, at the agri-food market of the capital city of Catania (Maas).

During an inspection aimed at compliance with European and national regulations on the traceability of agri-food products, more than 700 crates of various sizes and with different types of vegetables (onions, fennel, spinach, basil) were identified without documentation proving their origin. Since these are perishable products, the regional Department of Productive Activities issued an order to confirm the seizure and, after confirming their suitability for consumption, authorized the donation of the goods through the Food Bank of Catania.

In beneficenza una tonnellata e mezza di ortaggi sequestrati a Catania

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